Thursday, August 29, 2013


Interesting fact about me: I can be very impulsive.

This past Tuesday was a busy day for me. I'm currently enrolled in 6 classes at the University of North Florida and after having 4 of those 6 classes back to back, I was shattered. (At least that's how the Irish people say it.) I hadn't eaten all day, the weather was ridiculously HOT, and my hair which touched just above my bottom was making it even hotter for me. I was miserable.

So, my first order of business. Food. I took care of that at a Panda Express close by. Double Teriyaki with extra sauce? Oh yeahhh.

Next order of business was a haircut. I had been throwing around the idea of getting a haircut with my husband and of course as supportive as he always is, his only response was, "Not too short, ok?" I reassured him, but I forgot about the haircut and I hadn't brought it up in weeks so I knew that if I got it cut, he would be shocked. I had my fingers crossed that it would be a good shock.

I get to the hair salon and tell the lady I need a change. I asked her to cut off all my ombre because it had really dried out my hair.

Then "impulsive me" thought to myself, "why not cut it all off?" I reasoned with myself that my hair grows fast and it'll grow back before I know it. I also thought about donating it and helping out someone through Locks of Love. So I told the hair stylist to just cut it all off. She looked at me and she said, "Well, let's just do a little at a time. You don't want to make a drastic change or you may not like it." I smiled sweetly at her and "impulsive me" chimed in again and said, "No, cut it all off." 

Well I ended up cutting 15 inches off my hair and donating it to Locks of Love.  
Pictured is only the 12 inches I donated. The other extra 3 inches was more of an impulsive move. Again. 

I already miss my long hair sometimes, but I love that this new hairstyle feels lighter, I use less shampoo, and I take less time to get ready. Oh! And it's a plus that my husband LOVED it!

Well here it is. Short hair, don't care! :)

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