Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Past Few Weeks in a Nutshell

Hey guys!

The past few weeks have been so BUSY! And they are constantly staying busy. Both the Hubby and I have to force ourselves to breathe and find some time to relax in the midst of the chaos. Since I've been remiss, I wanted to take the time to update you guys on the things that have happened since I last blogged.

I got a job! Whoop-Whoop! :) And it's so fun! I'm now working as a Content Writer for a marketing company called Leadflow. I love it; the hours are great, the pay, the people, it's definitely been a huge blessing. Plus I research and write about different cities and communities, so I feel like I'm learning so much. I've actually been there for a month now and it just feels like time is flying!

The next thing is, I'm going on vacation next month! It took a lot of planning and money, but we put the effort into making it happen and God blessed us with not only the finances, but the time as well. I'll let you guys know the destination soon. ;)

Brendon and I are trying to eat better. We have a few medical issues going on right now and a better diet would just help with those problems so I'm currently on a low-carb diet. I don't know if I should call it a diet or not, because I'm hoping to make this a lifestyle change...but anyways, I've lost a few pounds in the past week and a half since we started so I'm super excited about that! I thought about posting before and after pictures a few months into it, but I don't know if I'm brave enough. We'll have to see....:)

Brendon and I are still heavily involved in going out with a small team on Thursday nights to feed the homeless. We've really developed relationships with these guys and sought them out (on the streets, under bridges, in abandoned buildings, in the middle of the woods, everywhere!). There's so many people in Downtown Jacksonville that need help and they are so thankful for any kindness that is extended to them. One guy we met made the coolest shelter out of palm fronds and it looks so camouflaged in the middle of the woods, here's a picture:

Here's a video of what it looks like when you go inside:
 He even had a shower that he made with a huge drum that he would fill with water, but they took it down because someone working on the property told the homeless in this part of the woods that they were being evicted because construction was about to start. That's why they started packing up a lot of their stuff. The owner of this camp, Jeff, was really creative and came up with a lot of resourceful things that I never even thought about! Some of the people that we've met have been homeless for up to 20 years! That's just so crazy to me!

I'll add pictures from last Thursday night as well. We don't normally get down there until about 9pm and stay till midnight, but since it was Spring Break, I didn't have class and we got there early. It was nice seeing their shelters and getting to talk to them in the daylight!

 Jeff's tent sits on 8 pallets that keep it elevated and dry. He even added the shutters as a nice touch. 

 His tools. 

 Brendon and Jeff talking. 

 Another camp nearby. The green tent is their bathroom. 

 Their makeshift gate. 

 Firepit that they made out of bricks. 

 An old tank made into a shelter. 

 It was a steep climb getting to this camp so they made a makeshift bridge out of odds and ends. 

 Another camp we visit, the guy who lives here is named Magic.

 We love this man. His name is Wild Bill!

 Tonto and Brendon.

 There were a few homeless people sleeping on the stoops of the church. 

 Ministering to Hector (not positive on his name), a homeless man we've met with a few times before.

And this is Benny! He's the one I wrote about in my blog post:

 This picture is a few weeks old, but we found a fire in an abandoned parking garage we call "The Love Shack". It was most likely from a homeless person who made a fire trying to stay warm, but it go out of hand so they left. 

So we're continuing with this ministry and we absolutely love it and the people love us too. It's such a blessing to be able to help them. Alright, so for more current events. Well we are looking to invest in homes. We want to purchase a few more homes so that we can rent them out. I went to look at one yesterday and it needs new carpet, but that's about it. It's in great condition and it was a foreclosure. Here's a picture and a quick video of my walk through. 

Can you believe it was only $18,000? We're still praying about whether this one would be a good investment, but I'll keep you updated!

 Oh, Brendon took me scouting last weekend. We went to a nearby park/forest (not sure what it's title was officially), but it was G O R G E O U S. I was amazed at how beautiful God's creation was. Sometimes I think, "I can't wait to travel to Italy or Ireland and see the beautiful scenery," but then I realize that there's so many beautiful things here in Jacksonville as well. Here's some pictures from our adventure. 

A gorgeous old house we found on our way back.

Alright, that's all I have for you today. Thanks for reading and be on the lookout for my next post!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Valentine's and Impacting the World

Every February brings the holiday that is known for hearts and roses, chocolates and balloons, and the obligatory "date night". I celebrate Valentine's Day, but I'm also a firm believer that love should be shown 24/7, not just once a year. I'm sure most people carry the same opinion. Everyone loves love, right? Well if you don't, then I wouldn't suggest that you keep reading, because it just gets "mushier" from here on out.

My Valentine this year, as has been for the past 8 years, has been my amazing husband, Brendon. (EIGHT years?! What?!) He's really amazing and if you've ever had the pleasure of meeting him, you'll agree. He's funny, he loves Jesus, he's driven, hard working, slightly sarcastic, and he's my best friend. Let me show you the card he got me, just to highlight everything I said about his personality.

Like I said, he's pretty humorous.

Everyone who knows me knows I love pictures, so here's some from yesterday.

                                      My Valentine's Day inspired nails.

  Pretty roses my hubby brought home, because all most girls love flowers. Guys, take notes. 

He got me this ring too. So beautiful!

We had dinner at Wasabi. N E V E R. A G A I N. The food wasn't bad if you could get past the massive crowds of people that stretched out past the front door. Next time, we're just going out to dinner the night after because the crowds were ridiculous. People who had reservations still had to wait over an hour to be seated. We saw waitresses crying, people angry, babies fussing, it was a mess. By the time we got a seat, Brendon wasn't feeling good and he was feeling nauseous so we just ordered and got our food to go. :( Poor guy. Good thing is, he's feeling much better today!

But before we left we had a really great conversation. Like, I said earlier. I love love. And one of the many reasons I love my husband is because he gives awesome counsel, especially when I most need it. So, lately I've been feeling like time is going way too fast. Sometimes, I feel like I'm being smothered by time. Almost like it's a wicked stepmother hovering over me and reminding me about everything I haven't done. I've always wanted to impact the world and sometimes I struggle with the reality that my version of how I impact the world isn't the same as God's version of how I'm going to do it. These past few weeks, I've really struggled with wanting to be an impact and being discouraged that what I'm doing is not enough. I shared my heart with Brendon and I love what he said, "Every act of obedience to God is an impact on the world."


Every act of obedience to God is an impact on the world.

That was certainly eye opening for me. Thinking about it from this perspective also helps me feel better and encourages me to be obedient to Christ. For anyone out there struggling to find your purpose, all you can do is obey Christ and everything will fall in place. :)

Oh, I forgot to mention that early that morning, I gave Brendon his Valentine's Day present from me. We didn't do big presents for each other this Christmas and instead we put the money towards a vacation, so it was really nice to be able to buy him something that he has been wanting. I got him an Aimpoint Pro, which is a high tech red dot sight for his AR-15. His reaction was really sweet. I can't seem to post the video on here, so here's the link for it.

Here's a picture of him cheesin'. It turned out to be a pretty fun day and a great week in general!

Until next time!

Monday, February 3, 2014


I heard one of the best sermons I've ever heard the other day. It wasn't told to me by a fancy pastor in a suit or even preached from the pulpit. It was told to me by an older gentleman holding his only possessions in the world in a single, well-worn backpack.

His name was Benny and he was homeless.

We found Benny through a church outreach. The church that my husband and I attend, started taking a group to Downtown Jacksonville and feeding the homeless during the winter. The word would spread that donations for hot food, drinks, and blankets were needed and within hours the church body would work together to make it happen. We would drive all over the Downtown area, where it was common to see at least one homeless person every other block, if not more. We would pass church buildings that were locked up, but they would have homeless people sleeping on their stoops. We found a group of people tucked back in the woods, under a bridge, and living out of tents. And we found Benny. We found him under a bridge overpass with another small group of men. His group was always very nice to us, thanking us for the hot drinks and chili and telling us that they were so glad God brought us into their lives. The first night we met them, my husband pointed Benny out to me and said, "He's different. I don't know what it is about him, but it's almost like he chose to be out here or something." When it got really cold, we would take them back to our church building and provide them with a warm bed, hot showers, and awesome food. Benny and his guys (we nicknamed them Benny and the Jets)  didn't normally want to come with us, but on this particular night, there was a possibility of freezing and that and the fact that he trusted us, after seeing us for the past few weeks, spurred them to come with us.

It wasn't until the next morning that I got to really sit down and talk to Benny. I had so many questions for him. Partially because I'm nosey and partially because something about him intrigued me. I found out many things that surprised me; I learned that he chose to be homeless. He told me that he had been working since he was young and as he got closer to retirement age, all he really ever wanted to do, was to be able to sit and read his Bible all day. He expressed his desire to know more about Christ and how he wanted to reach out to other people on the streets. We sat and talked about the Bible and about God's grace. The older men that was with his "group" stood around us silently and watched. Although, they didn't participate in the conversation, I could tell that they really looked up to Benny and respected everything he said.

But one thing in particular stuck with me when I was talking to him. Benny told me a story. He said that when he was first thinking about giving up his life for the streets, (he wasn't married and he had no kids) he would sit on a bench in Downtown Jacksonville and watch the homeless people go by. He told me about how he sat across the street from a gas station and saw a homeless man walk by pushing a grocery cart full of his belongings. He said the man had blankets and trinkets and all kinds of random things in the cart---all that was left of his earthly possessions. He was even carrying a folded sleeping bag on his back. Benny told me about how the man tried to go into the gas station with his cart and how the gas station attendants told him he couldn't take it inside with him. Benny watched, as the man was conflicted about leaving his belongings outside, but in the end, the fear of having his stuff stolen drove him to walk away. Then he told me of the other homeless people he saw. The ones who carried only one backpack and this allowed them to walk in and out of the gas station unhindered. Benny then quoted Matthew 6:19-21, "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

He talked to me about how so many people hold on to things, but they're just that, they're just things. And at the end of the day, at the end of your life, they're not worth anything. They're useless. They're worthless. They won't be able to protect you. They won't be able to save you.

Talking to him opened up my eyes to see that I hold on to things everyday. Without even meaning to, I make idols out of my possessions and I neglect the only one who can save me. He was right, you know? When we die, we can't take any of our stuff with us. So don't expect to take all your belongings with you in your unfurnished mansion in Heaven. It doesn't work that way. The newest thing will only be new for a time and then, as all things do, it becomes old. Think about that.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Goodbye 2013


If I had to describe the year 2013 in one word it would be: Growth.
This past year was a roller coaster ride filled with highs and lows and twists and turns. I was happy, sad, excited, depressed, angry, and frustrated. You name it, I felt it all this year.

At the beginning of 2013, I was accepted into the University of North Florida. It also marked change for me as I changed my major from something that I felt everyone wanted me to do, to something that I have always wanted to do. I sought God's will out on the matter and I am so happy that He gave me the opportunity to learn more about what I am truly passionate about---writing.

This past year was also a year of big family decisions. My husband and I were able to make important decisions for the well being of our family and future children. In the process, The Lord truly humbled me and taught me about what it really meant to "submit to my husband". Although, we oftentimes have differing views, I learned to put my trust not in my husband, but in the God that my husband serves. Knowing that I am married to a God-fearing man who seeks out the Lord's will was really what made it possible for me trust in the decisions that he made.

We received an abundance of blessings in 2013. My husband and I had been praying for a better vehicle for him and after months of praying and searching we finally found the "perfect" vehicle in Georgia. Having the funds for it was nothing short of miraculous and we know that the Lord's hand was in that as well. He was also able to become an NRA certified instructor this year, as well as start up a firearms business with one of his brothers. That was a large blessing in that he was able to pursue something that he is truly passionate about.

I started a book in 2013! I'm not very far along, but writing my first book has been something I've wanted to do for years; I've always just found excuses not to do it. Whether it be, I'm too tired, or I'll do it tomorrow, or I can think of a better idea some other day. I'm so glad that my dream is in the making and I'm looking forward to sharing the finished product with you all someday!

We also experienced loss this year. My husband and I felt the love and loss of a child that wasn't yet born. As much as that experience broke me, it also helped me grow. For a time, I was distrustful of the Lord's plan and love for me. I was also confused and broken and I didn't know what to do. It really brought a strain on my marriage and caused many heated arguments, but we grew from it. My husband and I are more in love than ever and we know that God has a purpose to everything that He does. As much as it hurts us or as much as we don't understand, we still know that we are undeserving of the blessings He gives us and we continue to believe that His timing is the best timing.

The end of this year was also filled with changes. Our current pastor at our church, Grace Fellowship,  decided that it was time for him to retire and our church merged with another church, Journey Church. The changes in the church body made me wary of how some would react, but the Lord really worked in the hearts of everyone in the congregation and the support for our pastor, the board, and the decisions that they made was overwhelming. While my husband, Brendon, is no longer a youth pastor; we are both excited and to see what the year 2014 brings and the opportunities that it holds to allow us to serve in God's kingdom.

The last day of 2013 was a major day for me. It was my last day of work! The exclamation mark doesn't exactly mean that I'm ecstatic that I resigned, but it has been something that I've talked and prayed about and it seemed the perfect time to do so. So 2014 holds endless possibilities for me and my family. I'm currently in a few interview stages for jobs in a different field and I know that I can trust the will of God to work in that area of my life.

So this previous year has truly been a year of growth. I'm honestly thankful for all the experiences that got me to where I am today---both the good and the bad. Happy New Year to all my readers out there. From the United States and all around the globe. I can't thank you enough for reading this blog and it truly excites me when I log in and see that my posts are being read not just here in the states, but also outside the country as well. So thank you for your support and I hope that this new year brings you and your family many blessings!

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perserverace finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." James 1: 2-4 (NIV)